What to Expect in Your Criminal Case
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Frequently Asked Questions
I have not been arrested but I think am under investigation, should I get an attorney now?
Yes. The sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner we can gain an understanding of the nature allegations against you and gauge your potential exposure. Early engagement is also important in starting to build your defense. During the investigation phase of a case, we will often contact law enforcement to provide them with additional information or evidence that we want them to consider as they determine whether or not to file charges. We routinely represent clients who have not been charged but are simply under investigation. Our best wins are the cases where no charges are filed because of swift and aggressive representation at the investigation stage.
Why should I hire an attorney based on Denver to represent me on a case?
We formed Oxman and Oxman specifically to bring the best possible representation to clients. We are experienced trial attorneys who are considered some of the best criminal defense lawyers in the state. We have the experience, expertise, resources, and connections to ensure the best possible outcome in your criminal case.
Will I get a better outcome in my case if I hire Oxman and Oxman?
We can never guarantee a specific result in any case. You should be skeptical of any attorney who tells you otherwise. What we can guarantee is that is that we have the experience, the expertise, the reputations, and the resources to achieve the result that you deserve. We can also tell you that our success is based on large part by our philosophy – every single client is our most important client.