A Burglary is a Trespass (unlawful entry or remaining) coupled with an intent to commit a crime inside. The severity of a Burglary can be impacted by whether the burglary is to a residence or a building and the penalty can also be impacted if weapons are used or if other violent crimes are committed in conjunction with the burglary.
Theft is generally, the unlawful taking of a thing (which can include records, someone’s identity, etc.) with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that thing. The penalty associated with a theft is influenced by the value of the item taken and other factors.
Criminal Mischief is another property crime that relates to damaging the property of another. Like theft, the level of severity depends on the degree of damage/loss.
Theft and property crimes can impact a non-citizen’s immigration status and can have the collateral consequence of potentially effecting somebody’s ability to obtain gainful employment.
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